Don’t Make Our Minds
“I hope you will not turn her head into a battleground.” Nsuuta talking to Kirabo’s grandmother in The First Woman by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi
This poem was inspired by the sentence above. Men, culture and society create these battlefrounds in women’s heads. It is unacceptable and i will not accept it anymore and work hard to eradicate this from the world.
Don’t make our minds a battleground
Where wars of worthiness are to be fought:
There is enough war and destruction.
Don’t make our minds a minefield of the
Cultural-self trying to blow up the true-self.
Don’t scuttle our dreams with your own,
Don’t bombard the city of our choices,
But hear our voices – not as your own –
For you do not exist in the future.
Don’t make our minds a battlefield where
We wage war against our bodies and your
Insecurities. There are no securities – even
banks fail.
Our bodies are beautiful. All of them.
All sexual choices and love is right
and part of the same story.
Don’t make our minds a place where unrest lives.
Our minds are a place to feel safe and sound. There is no
Worse hell than that – an unsound mind.
It is a human rights violation – one the oppressor
Knows well.
Don’t make our minds a place where our worthiness
Comes from the making of a marriage or baby:
There is no value in these shackles of despair.
Shackle nothing, freedom always finds its way.
Let our minds and bodies speak for themselves
In the power of their own decisions, creations and projects.
Don’t make our minds the obstacle that stands
In the way of us finding our beautiful meaning.
Let us break down all barriers and pre conceptions.
Daughters, heed the battlegrounds in your minds
By well meaning, yet misguided and damaged, people.
Dear other, your battlefields too have left scars.
Never give us the tools to weaponise our
Minds against ourselves or others, the earth
And all living creatures depend upon this.
May we make up our own minds!